Poznaj RJ Rocks Jeans
Jesteśmy rodzinną firmą założoną w 1982 roku. Tworzymy, na terenie naszej własnej szwalni, kolekcje #madeinpoland z najwyższej jakości tkanin i dodatków, zawsze zgodne z najnowszymi trendami.
Women’s fashion at hand!
The most fashionable trousers, skirts, dresses and jackets. Fall in love with your style and your figure! We offer models for any figure and any occasion. You may be certain that you will look dreamlike!
We are a family company established in 1982. We guarantee excellent fit and outstanding quality #madeinpoland, as well as collections that always match the latest trends. Our designers take care of every detail. That is why we provide everything that a modern woman needs to have in her wardrobe: from classic five-pocket jeans via summer Bermuda shorts to leather imitating skinny trousers that are ideal for nights out. You can go through our collection all day round for 7 days a week from any place in the world!
Do you like any of our products? Try it on in peace and quiet at your home. You have 30 days for return if it turns out that the product you have chosen is not “the one”. If you have any questions or doubts, we are always ready to help you.

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